Hire the Top 3% of 自由测试软件工程师

Toptal是一个面向顶级测试软件工程师的市场. Top companies and startups choose Toptal Software Testing freelancers for their mission-critical software projects.



Mamta Yadlpalli


United StatesToptal Member Since July 9, 2020

Mamta is a DevOps and cloud engineer with seven years of experience in on-premise infrastructure and cloud computing. She has expertise in working with AWS and has developed web applications using various JavaScript libraries, HTML, XML, Express.js, Node.js, React, and CSS, deploying them into the cloud platform using Kubernetes and cloud formation templates using Terraform. She has a basic understanding of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and has deployed resources to GCP using Terraform.

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Joanna Reutt


GermanyToptal Member Since December 3, 2019

Joanna is a QA specialist freelancer with more than a decade of experience working on numerous projects for companies like Nokia, Adidas, BWin, eBay, Audi, T-Mobile, among others. 她是个上进心很强的人, proactive, 专注于实现目标,思想开放,善于沟通.

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Clemens Helm


AustriaToptal Member Since October 24, 2017

克莱门斯作为一名全栈web开发人员已经工作了超过15年. 他热衷于设计和制造高质量的产品. What he loves most about freelancing is the opportunity to encounter various types of projects, people, and cultures. 以这种方式工作,他不断获得经验和知识,为他的下一个项目.

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Mike Sabatini


United StatesToptal Member Since March 7, 2018

Mike has spent more than a decade developing in a wide range of industries from consumer products, 工业应用, eCommerce, and many more. He's cultivated a large skill set that encompasses all aspects of modern applications and platforms. Mike熟悉各种各样的技术,包括前端和后端. He's also well versed in design concepts—ensuring that his products work for both the product owner and the user.

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Lukasz Fryc


PolandToptal Member Since February 15, 2019

Lukasz是一位测试自动化架构专家,拥有多年的经验. Two of the companies, Lukasz在哪里担任QA/自动化主管, 被Snapchat和Zendesk收购了吗. 在卢卡斯的职业生涯中, 他从零开始建立了许多测试自动化策略, 在敏捷环境中领导QA工程团队, 提供高质量的培训. Lukasz's developer background gives him the technical skills to create high-quality code.

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Linas Ozeraitis


AustriaToptal Member Since October 20, 2017

Linas是一名富有创造力的全栈高级开发人员. 在广泛的软件开发项目中有10年以上的经验, 他非常关注生产力和质量. Linas looks at software development as a craft and constantly works on improving his skills and knowledge.

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Ivan Dimoski


SwedenToptal Member Since December 11, 2013

Ivan是一位拥有超过10年Android开发经验的专业人士. 他最近的角色包括单独贡献, team leadership and engineering management for an agile cross-functional team of 17 in Truecaller, 为超过2.5亿的月活跃用户提供惊人的功能. 作为一个充满激情的人, 他认为开放和简单是创造成功故事的基础.

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Alex VKO


CanadaToptal Member Since February 29, 2020

Alex is a passionate technologist and successful startup executive with nine years of professional experience in engineering. 作为一个有商业头脑的科技宅男, 他喜欢架构和交付满足业务需求的高质量实现. 他曾与银行和抵押机构合作, advised CTOs, 领导软件和数据科学团队, 并持续交付高绩效的客户项目.

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Total's screening and matching process ensures exceptional talent are matched to your precise needs.

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Toptal in the press

... allows corporations to quickly assemble teams that have the right skills for specific projects.

Despite accelerating demand for coders, Toptal prides itself on almost Ivy League-level vetting.

Our clients
Conor Kenney
Thierry Jakicevic
Elmar Platzer

没有Toptal就不会有Tripcents. Toptal Projects使我们能够与产品经理一起快速发展我们的基金会, lead developer, and senior designer. 在60多天的时间里,我们从概念到Alpha. 其速度、知识、专业知识和灵活性是首屈一指的. Toptal团队是tripcents的一部分,就像tripcents的任何内部团队成员一样. 他们像其他人一样贡献并拥有开发的所有权. 我们将继续使用Toptal. 作为一家初创公司,它们是我们的秘密武器.

Brantley Pace, CEO & Co-Founder


我对我们与Toptal的合作经验非常满意. 和我一起工作的专业人员在几个小时内就和我通了电话. 在和他讨论了我的项目后,我知道他就是我想要的候选人. 我立即雇用了他,他没有浪费时间就完成了我的项目, even going the extra mile by adding some great design elements that enhanced our overall look.

Paul Fenley, Director

K Dunn & Associates

与我合作的开发者都非常出色——聪明、有动力、反应灵敏. 过去很难找到高质量的工程师和顾问. Now it isn't.

Ryan Rockefeller, CEO


Toptal立即理解了我们的项目需求. 我们遇到了一位来自阿根廷的杰出自由职业者, from Day 1, 沉浸在我们的行业中, 与我们的团队无缝融合, understood our vision, 并产生了一流的结果. Toptal使与高级开发人员和程序员的联系变得非常容易.

Jason Kulik,联合创始人


作为一家资源有限的小公司,我们不能犯代价高昂的错误. Toptal provided us with an experienced programmer who was able to hit the ground running and begin contributing immediately. 这是一次很棒的经历,我们会马上再来一次.



我们使用Toptal聘请了一位具有丰富的Amazon Web Services经验的开发人员. We interviewed four candidates, one of which turned out to be a great fit for our requirements. 这个过程迅速而有效.

Abner Guzmán Rivera,首席技术官和首席科学家

Photo Kharma

Sergio是一个很棒的开发者. 一流,反应迅速,工作效率高.

Dennis Baldwin,首席技术专家和联合创始人


和Marcin一起工作是一种乐趣. He is competent, professional, flexible, 并且非常迅速地理解需要什么以及如何实现它.

André Fischer, CTO


我们需要一位能立即开始我们项目的专业工程师. 西马纳斯的工作超出了我们的预期. Not having to interview and chase down an expert developer was an excellent time-saver and made everyone feel more comfortable with our choice to switch platforms to utilize a more robust language. Toptal使这一过程变得简单方便. Toptal现在是我们寻求专家级帮助的首选之地.

Derek Minor, Web开发高级副总裁

Networld Media Group

Toptal's developers and architects have been both very professional and easy to work with. The solution they produced was fairly priced and top quality, reducing our time to launch. Thanks again, Toptal.

Jeremy Wessels, CEO


我们与Toptal合作非常愉快. They paired us with the perfect developer for our application and made the process very easy. 它也很容易超出最初的时间框架, 我们可以在整个项目中保持同一个承包商. 我们强烈推荐Toptal,因为它可以快速无缝地找到高素质的人才.

Ryan Morrissey, CTO


我对Toptal印象深刻. 我们的开发人员每天都和我交流,他是一个非常强大的程序员. 他是一个真正的专业人士,他的工作非常出色. 5 stars for Toptal.

Pietro Casoar, CEO

Ronin Play Pty Ltd

与Toptal合作是一次很棒的经历. Prior to using them, I had spent quite some time interviewing other freelancers and wasn't finding what I needed. After engaging with Toptal, they matched me up with the perfect developer in a matter of days. 与我一起工作的开发人员不仅提供高质量的代码, 但他也提出了一些我没有想到的建议. 我很清楚,阿莫里知道自己在做什么. Highly recommended!

George Cheng, CEO

Bulavard, Inc.

作为一名Toptal合格的前端开发人员,我还经营着自己的咨询业务. 当客户来找我帮忙填补他们团队中的关键角色时, Toptal是我唯一愿意推荐的地方. Toptal的所有候选人都是精英中的精英. Toptal is the best value for money I've found in nearly half a decade of professional online work.

Ethan Brooks, CTO

Langlotz Patent & Trademark Works, Inc.

在希格尔的早期, 我们需要一流的开发者, at affordable rates, in a timely fashion. Toptal delivered!

Lara Aldag, CEO


Toptal makes finding a candidate extremely easy and gives you peace-of-mind that they have the skills to deliver. I would definitely recommend their services to anyone looking for highly-skilled developers.

Michael Gluckman,数据经理


Toptal将我们的项目与最优秀的开发人员快速匹配的能力非常出色. 开发人员已经成为我们团队的一部分, 我对他们每个人所表现出的敬业精神感到惊讶. For those looking to work remotely with the best engineers, look no further than Toptal.

Laurent Alis, Founder


Toptal让寻找合格的工程师变得轻而易举. 我们需要一个有经验的ASP.. NET MVC架构来指导我们的启动应用程序的开发, Toptal在不到一周的时间里为我们找到了三位优秀的候选人. After making our selection, the engineer was online immediately and hit the ground running. 这比我们自己发现和审查候选人要快得多,也容易得多.

Jeff Kelly, Co-Founder

Concerted Solutions

We needed some short-term work in Scala, and Toptal found us a great developer within 24 hours. 这在其他平台上是不可能实现的.

Franco Arda,联合创始人


Toptal offers a no-compromise solution to businesses undergoing rapid development and scale. Every engineer we've contracted through Toptal has quickly integrated into our team and held their work to the highest standard of quality while maintaining blazing development speed.

Greg Kimball,联合创始人





Toptal的工程总监将与您一起了解您的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics.


几天之内,我们将为您的项目介绍合适的测试软件工程师. 平均匹配时间在24小时以下.


与您的新测试软件工程师一起工作一段试用期(仅在满意的情况下支付报酬), 在订婚前确保他们是合适的人选.


Access a vast pool of skilled developers in our talent network and hire the top 3% within just 48 hours.


  • Toptal测试软件工程师有何不同?

    At Toptal, we thoroughly screen our Test Software Engineers to ensure we only match you with talent of the highest caliber. Of the more than 200,每年有5000人申请加入Toptal网络, 只有不到3%的人能达标. You’ll work with engineering experts (never generalized recruiters or HR reps) to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics. The end result: expert vetted talent from our network, custom matched to fit your business needs.

  • 我可以在不到48小时内通过Toptal招聘到测试软件工程师吗?

    取决于可用性和进度, 您可以在注册后48小时内开始与测试软件工程师一起工作.

  • Toptal测试软件工程师的无风险试用期是什么?

    We make sure that each engagement between you and your Test Software Engineer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. 这意味着你有时间确认订婚是否成功. 如果你对结果完全满意, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. 如果您不完全满意,我们不会向您收费. From there, 我们要么分道扬镳, or we can provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and with whom we will begin a second, no-risk trial.


  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    我们所有的人才都是经验丰富的专家,他们的成长速度很快, 乐于作为核心团队成员做出贡献, 和你一起努力,尽量缩短入职时间.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    我们有办法帮你找到合适的衣服. 在无风险的试用期开始和你的新员工一起工作,只在满意的情况下付钱.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed

    Hire talent within 48 hours and scale your team up or down as needed, no strings attached.

  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    我们处理账单、付款和保密协议的所有方面. 当你专注于创造伟大的产品时,让我们来照顾你的开销.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    选择适合你需要的约定类型——每小时, part-time, 或者全职——随时可以改变.

  • Expert Talent Matching

    Expert Talent Matching

    Focus on your project and enjoy support from your dedicated account executive and expert talent matcher.


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