Perit Bezek, Developer in Ankara, Turkey
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Perit Bezek

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Ankara, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
June 27, 2019

Perit是一位经验丰富的软件开发人员,拥有20年的专业经验, 其中包括各种企业应用程序项目的工作, mobile application projects, and cloud computing platforms, of which he has extensive knowledge of. 他在开发基于spring的Java后端和基于Angular/ react的前端方面非常熟练.


Real Tech Leads Inc.
Node.. js, JavaScript, Angular,后端,api, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon EC2...
Connect Plus Information Technology Co LLC
JavaScript, Angular, REST APIs, Bootstrap
Sono Yazılım




Preferred Environment

GitHub, Bitbucket, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我构建了一个运行在AWS上的多租户SaaS GRC应用程序,它是使用Spring Boot和Angular开发的.

Work Experience

Backend Node.js Engineer

2019 - 2020
Real Tech Leads Inc.
  • Worked on maintaining an existing real estate application.
  • 将Angular与Angular SSR一起用于前端应用,以获得更快的响应时间和搜索引擎优化.
  • Used NestJS on the backend application together with TypeORM.
  • 配置AWS CloudFront和Lambda@Edge以实现更好的缓存和映像优化.
  • Created CI/CD on AWS tools like AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild.
Technologies: Node.js、JavaScript、Angular、后端、api、Amazon CloudFront CDN、Amazon EC2、NestJS、TypeScript

Angular Developer

2019 - 2019
Connect Plus Information Technology Co LLC
  • 为现场作业开发问题计划和跟踪应用程序的前端部分.
  • 使用Angular进行前端开发,使用Swagger代码生成器生成REST API客户端,使用 for designs, JIRA for issue tracking, and GitLab for CI/CD.
  • 作为Toptal团队的一员,遵循严格的敏捷方法.
Technologies: JavaScript, Angular, REST APIs, Bootstrap

Founding Partner | Lead Architect

2016 - 2019
Sono Yazılım
  • Developed a turn-key eCommerce SaaS in Java (Spring, Hibernate) and JavaScript (AngularJS); it ran on AWS and provided automatic domain registration, SSL certificate installation, single-click switchable themes, and integration with payment systems.
  • Built a GRC application using Java (Spring, Hibernate)和TypeScript (Angular),它们可以部署在本地,也可以与运行在AWS上的订阅一起使用.
  • 使用Ionic创建了一个移动应用程序,并使用TypeScript在AWS Lambda和API Gateway上运行一个无服务器后端,用于在线订单系统.
  • 使用React和TypeScript开发了基于加密货币的融资系统的前端.
  • 使用Python和JavaScript为移动电子商务平台开发语音命令系统,该系统运行在AWS Lambda上,并使用Google Cloud Speech API进行语音识别(支持土耳其语和英语).
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS),亚马逊简单电子邮件服务(SES),亚马逊DynamoDB, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), React, Ionic, AngularJS, Angular, JPA, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Social, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Core, Spring Boot

IT Specialist | Software Engineer

2004 - 2016
Central Bank of Republic of Turkey
  • 参与了一个主要的遗留应用程序更新项目,使用Spring和Hibernate将Cobol应用程序迁移到现代Java web应用程序.
  • 使用Spring web services开发了一个政府支付web服务,处理了400个,000 transactions per hour during peak times.
  • 为Java EE web和web服务应用程序的内部企业应用程序开发基础设施的开发和维护做出了重要贡献, which consists of both in-house and third-party MVC, ORM, scheduling, batch processing, enterprise security and AJAX frameworks and libraries, IDEs and continuous integration systems.
  • Managed the trending technologies research team.
  • Developed a company training management system using PHP.
技术:Eclipse, PHP, DB, jQuery, Ext JS, JPA, Hibernate, Data, Batch, Core, Spring, Java

SONIK是一个GRC应用程序(GRC/IRM应用程序家族中的核心应用程序),可以用于企业和政府机构来定义, track, and manage the processes and risks within the establishment. It can be used with an annual subscription in a SaaS model, or it can be purchased and deployed on-premise.

技术:Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate/JPA, JavaScript, AngularJS, TypeScript, Angular

School Management System

该系统用于管理学校的学生、教师、员工、课程和课程安排. The software consists of a Node.js REST API back end and an Angular front end. My involvement included maintaining the current application, fixing bugs, developing some new features, 并将整体后端代码迁移到AWS Lambda服务中.

Technologies: Angular 5, Angular Material, Node.js, Express.. js, NestJS, PostgreSQL,无服务器框架,AWS Lambda, AWS应用程序负载均衡器.

Mobile eCommerce Application

这个项目是一个移动电子商务应用程序,用于从本地商店订购和购买快餐项目. 移动应用程序是使用Ionic框架开发的混合移动应用程序,而后端是Node.js application deployed to AWS Lambda/API Gateway.

Technologies: Ionic 3, Angular 5, TypeScript, Node.. js,无服务器框架,AWS Lambda, AWS API网关,AWS DynamoDB,支付API集成


Niyeo是一种使用SaaS模式的交钥匙电子商务软件. 它运行在亚马逊网络服务上,利用它的许多服务来提供包括自动域名注册在内的功能, mass mailing support, integration with various payment systems, and single-click switchable themes.

Technologies: Java, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, AngularJS


该项目围绕一个企业应用程序开发框架展开,该框架建立在Spring和Hibernate等传统开源技术之上,用于开发Java EE web和web服务应用程序. It contains both in-house and third-party additions such as MVC, ORM, scheduling, batch processing, enterprise security and Ajax frameworks and libraries, IDEs, and continuous integration systems.

Public Electronic Payment System

公共电子支付系统是土耳其最重要的电子政府项目之一. 它的目的是安全有效地执行政府支出,如提供社会福利, salaries, pensions, travel, 政府工作人员代办的杂项费用.

Technologies: Java, Spring, Spring Web Services, Hibernate

My Master Thesis

My master thesis, 题为“蛋白质亚细胞定位问题的聚类方法”," is on bioinformatics. 它利用光谱聚类和支持向量机解决了蛋白质亚细胞定位问题。.


JavaScript, Java, TypeScript, Batch, PHP, C++


AngularJS, Angular, Spring, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, JUnit, Ionic 3, Hibernate, Ext JS, Serverless Framework, JPA, Spring Core, Ionic, Bootstrap, NestJS


React, Node.js, jQuery, REST APIs


Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon CloudFront CDN, Bitbucket, AWS ELB, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Cognito, AWS IAM, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Apache Maven, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring Social, Jira, Git, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), GitHub


Spring Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP), Agile Software Development, Software Testing, Serverless Architecture, Microservices


Jakarta EE, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Windows, MacOS, Eclipse, Android, iOS


Spring Data JPA, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, IBM Db2, Amazon DynamoDB, Hazelcast, DB, Spring Data, Elasticsearch


无服务器,AWS证书管理器,自由职业者,亚马逊Route 53,核心,数据,后端,api

2003 - 2006

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey

1999 - 2003

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey

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